Covid-19 and Quarantine
Written by: Carlo Valdeavilla
From more than 200 Coronavirus types discovered, one strain has triggered the Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 pandemic, affecting almost all continents in the world.[1] The Johns Hopkins University records over a million people infected with the virus, and the number continues to rise.[2] Until now, authorities and scientists are tracing the primary source of the virus and the type of hosts to which it can be potentially transmitted.
The current situation provides us with a glimpse of what happened when other plagues and pandemics struck the world many years ago: death toll soared; health care facilities were lacking; and, technological enhancement in the field of medicine was limited. At present, countries struggle to control the spread of the virus. Governments make use of various strategies – from social distancing, lockdown, and self-quarantine, to mass testing. People, especially the young, were surprised by the occurrence of this pandemic. Many are troubled as no one can anticipate the pandemic’s damage both to the economy and people’s health.
As the disease continues to spread, many of us were forced into confinement. Such solitude can give rise to a lot of challenges in all dimensions of human well-being: physically, emotionally, socially, mentally, and even spiritually. Adding to the damage is the current generation’s being too focused on the events and developments surrounding the pandemic. They fail to dig deeper and look at things from a bigger perspective, and to draw lessons and realization from the situation.
Quarantine, Sins and Realizations
The current situation inevitably causes fear and anxiety to many people. Nevertheless, it also brings the best time for us to ponder and meditate, bearing in mind that all things happen for a reason.
One clear aspect in Christianity speaks of God’s ordaining of all things and circumstances, whatever they be, for His glory. Hence, this pandemic points us to God’s existence. Understanding that God exists should urge us to reflect about morality, and admit our weakness due to sin. We are in need of a Savior!
Many have been pre-occupied with health, economic, and other concerns on the pandemic, and the role of spiritual truth has probably been brushed aside without them realizing that life in eternity is also at stake. Governments have imposed quarantines which may have restricted people’s activities and brought discomfort, but God has provided means for us to remain productive and make the most of the time in confinement. One example would be the internet which, when properly used, can be an effective tool to seek the truth and learn more about God. This platform can help people to reflect and live a healthy spiritual life while in home quarantine.
While fear is often construed as a negative part of human nature, it can be turned into strength. Fear can help us understand that we, as creatures who fell short of God’s glory, are in need of a Savior. Knowing that Christ has already paid the debts of sin, we have hope. This redemptive hope equips a person with wisdom and strength to deal with massive trials in life, and to persevere.
The Apostle Paul faced trials and suffered persecution, to the point of being imprisoned, for spreading the truth about the work of Jesus Christ. But even being detained did not stop him from steadfastly proclaiming Christ and persevering in the faith. Paul knows that Christ and His promises will be his comfort in every circumstance. As he has written in Philippians 4:11-13:
11 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. 12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. 13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Therefore, COVID-19 should point us to Christ, our Savior and true hope amid this pandemic. Let us be humbled before God, and draw near to Him in faith and repentance.
[1] (Coronavirus: Decoding Covid-19), March 30, 2020
[2] (johns Hopkins University Threat Tracker for COVID-19)