Vote Wisely
Dear Luzviminda,
This coming Sunday, May 8, we will be celebrating Mother’s Day. Let me be the first one to greet you “Happy Mother’s Day!”. How I wish I can be with you all. But I have other obligation to keep. I need to be with my daughter when she delivers her baby anytime soon. It is a momentous event for all of us in the family. My daughter will have her very own daughter, and I will witness motherhood coming full circle. How wondrous is His work and how wise and wonderful is His design for the family. God be praised for His marvelous goodness.
But on Monday, May 9, is election day. We will be exercising a sacred duty handed down to us though the sacrifice of many lives. Before 1935, women were not allowed to vote. The right for suffrage was fought for valiantly. Our vote is sacred and most crucial because it can direct the cause of our lives and our children.
I trust that when you go to the voting polls on Monday, you will cast your vote based on intelligent and prayerful consideration of the right qualities of a good leader. I hope you will vote based on our moral discernment, backed by biblical principles.
Let us spend much time in prayer to solicit God’s favor that the May 9 election will be peaceful and orderly. Most of all, may He give us elected officials who will lead our country to progress and peace without undermining moral principles; leaders who will promote the expansion of Christianity in our country; and a President whom we can rightly call “ The Father of the Land”.
When you write the name of your favored candidates, be guided by these words from Proverbs 29:2, “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.”
Give my regards to all.
Love always,
Tita Haydee