To Glean Like Ruth
0“So she gleaned in the field until evening…” (Ruth 2:17)
Hunger, and love for mother-in-law, Naomi, compelled Ruth to take a chance and gather food. Blessedly, the Lord directed her in the field of Boaz, where his servants were harvesting corn. In like manner, our hunger for spiritual foods will bring our feet to the fields of prayer, a study of Word of God, and other spiritual exercises. God’s spiritual provision abound like a spring of water. We can freely get whatever we want. Indeed, as much as we can carry. Only our lack of desire to gather is the limiting factor.
Ruth did not go to the heaps of corn but gather them ear by ear. We all know that every time we open the Bible, we learn something new. Or we get a fresh insight on a familiar verse or passage. Every good book we read, every sermon or podcast we listen to fortify our spirituality and make us wise unto salvation. They make us improve in and our relationship with God and others.
Yet Ruth was discriminating in picking the right ear of corn. We, too, should be careful in the books we read and the teachings we hear. They should strengthen our faith and make us wiser in living the Christian life. We should easily spot false teachings and deceptive philosophies that may stray us on the wayside.
To gather ears of corn, Ruth had to stoop down. A humble heart is what we need if we want to profit from our spiritual exercises. Pride and arrogance make us miss the nourishment that spiritual foods give. Only the meek will benefit from the Word.
Ruth had to hold on to her gathered corns with a firm grip, lest they fall and waste her labors. In the same way, we should treasure the Biblical truths we heard and read by reflecting on them and applying them in our daily living. Hymns and songs can benefit us, too, if we sing with understanding. But what better way to store up words in our hearts than to memorize the Scripture.
Just like Ruth, hunger will compel us to draw near to the fields of spiritual exercise. As we gather the Lord’s teachings with diligence, firmly hold and treasure them, we assured that our hunger would be satisfied. Indeed, without money and without price. But note: the reward is only for the diligent soul.
Simplified version of a meditation on Ruth 2:17 from Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening.
Lord, make us diligent gatherers of spiritual truths. Grant us the grace to apply what we are learning from You everyday. Thank You that we can draw from the Spring of Living Water, without money and without price. Help us realize our great privilege in Christ. In His Name we pray. Amen