The Price of Motherhood
0Motherhood is not for the faint-hearted. Because for it to be successful, it requires a great price – even the price of one’s ambition and dreams. It is a sad reality that countless women, young and old alike plunged into motherhood without a full knowledge of the responsibilities that go with it. They think of motherhood as something that can be learned along the way.
Many even think that motherhood can be relegated to the yaya or relatives. They can easily source out an unknown person from remote places and fully handed to her the care of her precious bundle of joy. This yaya, whom the values and character are hardly examined is given the power to influence the mind and heart of the innocent charge. Isn’t it true that the person whom we spend most of our time has the greatest influence over our habits and thinking? No wonder that we have children of well-educated persons who are acting like children in the streets. They are imbibing the values and behavior or those who care for them.
There are many ideas about motherhood, yet obedience to the mandate of God always prove to be the best in raising children. It is also the most fulfilling. It is the design of God that mothers should care and raise their children themselves. The long process of training permits bonding and transfer of values and teaching about the world, and God. Here, commitment and submission to God’s design is critical. It requires a mother to give up her career outside the home and spend most of her time caring for her young. But it brings forth children who are well-mannered and godly. It also prevents the headache of dealing with disobedient and rebellious adolescents. It may not be true all the time, but generally God rewards the faithfulness of mothers.
Mothers who invested her time, career and personal interest in the raising up of her children may have to wait long before she is rewarded. But the time of harvest is sure. The book of Proverbs laid down the fruits of her labors:
“ Her children will rise up and call her blessed, her husband also and he praises her. Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all. Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears Jehovah, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.” Proverbs 31: 28-31.