The Home Is Where My Heart Is
0The Lord has a perfect design for a family. Ruled by love, the husband has to lead, provide, and protect his family, while the wife has to submit to the leadership of her husband. As they start a family, the Lord wants the mothers to be workers at home (Titus 2:5).
However, in this materialistic society, more and more women are drawn away from the home where they should be. It does not mean that mothers should stay at home all the time. Proverbs 31:10-31 tells of a godly mother fully exercising her God-given gifts. She has a business of her own, involved in acts of charity, yet fully engaged in the upkeep of her home. Her children and husband are well taken care of. It is clear to this excellent wife that the home is her main domain.
But life may force many Christian mothers to work outside the home for one reason or another. Some are widowed, others have husbands whose income may not be enough to support a growing family, others are even single parents.
When put in a situation where they need to work outside the home, Christian mothers should guard their hearts. Working outside the home will expose them to a lot of temptations. They may be enticed to give more priority to work and go up the ladder of success. They are more exposed to materialism and may be tempted to work harder in exchange for their time in the home and family.
This situation is not the ideal place for the Christian mom. In her heart, she wants to be a stay-at-home mom but can’t. To safeguard her heart, a working mom should not yield to the pursuit of more. Yet she should not fall into the trap of mediocrity in her work. Christians are called to be good witnesses in the workplace. She should give her best, but not at the expense of her priorities at home.
For a working mom, Pastor Don Green has a test to know where her heart is. When asked “What do you do? What is the first thing that comes out of your mouth? If she says, “I work in this or that office,” then her heart is not really at home. According to him, a mother, wherever she is working will always say, “I serve my home. The home is my priority. The home is where my heart is.”
Pastor Don Green. The Truth Pulpit. Sermon Audio.