TBC Sisters Celebrate Women’s Day


Last  Friday,  April 11,  TBC women (all 16 of them) came up with their own version of Women’s Day, when they decided to meet together for a whole day of  fellowship and learning at  the residence of Pastor Rodel and sister Haydee.   Present during the fellowship were  Gie, Janet with Japheth, Aileen with Eli, Nel, Nina, Mare, Mylene and Rhua, Mylene and Rose (who took respective  leave from their offices), Carol, Mel, Janet, Lani  and Ruby. They came in a rented jeepney to make their travel comfortable. Later, Angie and Irene came to join the group.  After brunch, each sister was given time to share her pressing concerns, so she can be prayed for intelligently. . This was followed by a lecture on self-management by sister Haydee.  After a hearty lunch , the sharing continues and was capped by another lecture  about helping and giving.  Before leaving, the sisters treated Gie to a mini-birthday celebration for her  49th birthday.

God be praised for giving the sisters a time to relax and learn from each other.


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