Pastor Rodel Ministers in Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in San Pedro


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Its been almost a year that Pastor Rodel has not preached in SGBC.   And so today, March 23,  it was a pleasant surprise for him and his wife Haydee to see the new church building which is just enough to accommodate the more or less 200 attendees.  Pastor Rodel  handled the Sunday School class, where he discussed a powerpoint presentation about climate change. It was a very informative topic. Members and visitors were encouraged to take active part in protecting the environment by not being wasteful and to segregate, compost and recycle garbage.  For the worship service, the congregation was challenged to look up to Christ when they have doubts and problems and know that Christ is so gentle and tender in dealing with his people.  May the Lord continually bless the ministry in SGBC- San Pedro, Laguna.



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