My Motivation for the New Year
I always meet people during my morning walk. For my first morning walk for this year, I met an old man in his 80’s walking with a cane, and with some difficulty. I greeted him with a “Happy New Year” and kissed his hand. His face lightened up and smiled as if pleasantly surprised with my greetings. I was walking fast in contrast to the slow, struggling steps of “Tatang”. After a while, he waved goodbye, and even said “God Bless”.
As I finished my remaining rounds, I realized how fragile life could be. Life is short. The old man I saw was certainly strong and full of life during his younger days. He could even be a sportsman.
I am able to walk fast and exercise anytime I want at this time, but I too am nearing my senior years. If God permits that I still live longer, I know I will feel the aches and pains of old age. I may also get “Tatang’s” wobbly legs and halting steps, while holding on to a cane. But “I know who holds the future and He will guide me with His hand.” And while I am strong, it is my utmost desire that God will grant me more grace to serve Him better and to offer to Him the best my life can give for this year.
Happy New Year to All!