In Faithfulness You Have Afflicted Me
0The lingering pandemic and strong typhoons hitting the country one after the other can make people feel that we live in a season of difficulty. Yet Christians remain unmoved because we believe in God’s promise in Isaiah 26:3, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed in you because he trusts in you.”
The verse, Psalm 119:76, “I know O Lord that Your rules are righteous, and that in faithfulness, you have afflicted me.”, may seem confusing to the unbelieving world. Yet, as followers of Christ, this verse gives tremendous comfort. God is faithful in His desire to shape us in holiness and beauty, and He will accomplish His purpose even it means afflicting us. Afflictions mature us as we see God as our only source of hope and deliverance. They teach us lessons, so we become wise in living in this world of sin.
God will let the strong wind of trials blow on our side to make us stronger and more resilient because, as Christians, we live in the path of storms. Heartaches will point us to God, who is the only Healer of broken hearts. As we yield to the shaping of afflictions, the fruits of the Spirit grow and ripen more in us. Most of all, the glory of God is seen as we submit to His wise counsel.
Thus, when affliction comes, let us thank God for He is faithful to wound us for our good (James 1:2-3). Let us pray for strength to bear the afflictions with grace to display the glory of Christ. And because God will never leave us, we can say, “Afflictions are welcome!”
Thank You Lord, for the comfort that in faithfulness You have afflicted us. Grant us to grace to look up to You in faith and in full submission. May we shine for your glory, even as we experience trials in the faith. Indeed in Christ we are more then conquerors. In His name we pray. Amen