He gently leads those who are with young.
0As gold is refined in the fire, so is a woman through motherhood. Motherhood requires martyrdom because it means giving of our lives, our ambitions and aspirations – all for the sake of that “bundle of joy on the crib”.
Babies die if we leave them by themselves for a day. That is why God gave them mothers to tenderly and lovingly care for them. They maybe helpless, yet are endowed with power to command our loving attention, and have great potential for greatness. With God’s guiding hand, and a mother’s devotion, they can be assets to society, pleasing God and men.
God’s intelligent design is seen in the proportionality of things. The early months of a baby require much of our time, but as Baby grows, the mother’s attention also decreases. Time passes by so quickly. Before long, Baby will be big enough to go to school. For others it is still an extended stay to home-school their children. But in God’s appointed time, mothers will have time they can truly call their own.
Working moms have legitimate reasons to work. But when the baby is “still a baby”, we need to seriously think about our options, especially when our husband has a good job. For the very reason that time is not on our side. If we leave our baby on the care of somebody, we will missed out on those malleable growing years (ten hours a day!) where we can teach them a lot about God, social graces, and so many other important things to learn about; and of course the 24/7 bonding which you will forever treasure for the rest of your life. You may promise to yourself that you will make up for your absence, but we don’t have superhuman strength to be energetic, creative, patient, and perfectly loving after a day’s work. Yet if you decide to work, i hope it is still for the good of Baby.
I am not saying this because I have been a good mother. But by the grace of God, He allowed me stay at home and I saw more of who I am. I saw my impatience, my impulsiveness, my selfishness, my envious heart, my self-centeredness, etc., etc. But now as an aging woman, I realized God was with me all along. Even in times of emergencies and uncertainties, He was with me. He taught me and my husband how to raise our children, to lead them back to Him; to be nice to people, and to do their best in anything they do. It was a long journey, but His promise is true: “He gently leads those who are with young.” (Isaiah 40:11b)
Now our three children are in different places, pursuing God’s plans for their lives. The house is clean but empty. No more scattered toys and less mess to clean up. I always miss them, but I always look back on those times when I have been doing many things for them: teaching, playing with them, and telling make-believe stories; baking their own birthday cakes, sewing their pajamas and driving them to school. Those are my treasured memories, probably God’s rewards for my toil, unworthy as I am – as a fulltime mother.