A Mother’s Joy

The audience were excited. Many were taking pictures and cheering, as the graduates in Grace Ministerial Academy were called. But this mother was crying, shedding tears of joy, as her son was called on stage to receive his diploma. Her son, Ezequiel is now fully-equipped to become a pastor, a servant of the Lord. That was her dream and now it was fulfilled.
How noble is this mother whose ambition was for her children to know and love the Lord. She could have aspired for a better-paying job for her son, having lived in poverty all her life. But she sought a better portion. She was poor on earth, but in death she was rich in heavenly treasures.
In this materialistic world, may Christian mothers not lose sight of their primary role (and goal) in life… to bring their children to the Savior. And this – by God’s grace – we can do if we are faithful in our duties as a wife, mother and homemaker.