He will lead those who are with young.

Dear Lisa,
Motherhood is a most wonderful experience. Birth pangs, painful as it is, allows you to participate in a mystery called life. As you behold your new born, you are able to feel one of the purest joys on earth.
But the birth pangs continues as you raise your child. There are times when the baby cries nonstop or is sick or would not like to sleep. And when its only you and your husband who care for the baby, you feel all alone.
But aside from attending to the demands of a growing baby, your surroundings also present a not-so-good picture. Laundry accumulates and dirty dishes pile up. There is chaos in the living room, chaos in the kitchen and chaos in the bedroom. You can’t get out from the house as you used to. And if ever you do, you need to bring your baby with you requiring a major operation. These are dramatic changes that can give unsettling feeling. But when this sinking feeling comes, meditate on the goodness of God.
Realize that your baby is God’s primarily. He handed this bundle of joy to you and your husband to raise her up to be pleasing to God and men; so that one more worshipper will be added to His Kingdom. This is God’s grand design and surely He will be with you in the whole process of child rearing. He has a special grace to young mothers like you. Be reminded of His promise in Isaiah 40:11: “… He will lead those who are with young.”
All your experiences, good or bad are like carvings on a piece of wood to create a masterpiece. As you yield to each cut and dent, your character is being refined to be closer to the image of Christ.
Think happy thoughts no matter what the situation may be – because God is good all the time.
“Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things” Philippians 4:8
This kind of thinking is the foundation of a good disposition for you and your child.
Hugs and Kisses,
Tita Haydee